Outlook Room Reservation

Viewing/Importing a Room's Reservation Calendar

As of January 2021, Computer Science will no longer be using reserve.cs.iastate.edu for room reservations. We have moved to Outlook calendars for room reservations. Here is documentation on how to use Outlook calendars for room reservations

List of Computer Science rooms and their resource name is located at the bottom of this page


Import Room Calendar on Outlook

In order to view a room's scheduled reservations and meetings, you have to import the room's calendar on Outlook.

Office 365 for Windows

1. Open Office 365 for Windows and open the calendar view at the bottom left

365 Logged in

2. Right click on "My Calendars" and hover over "Add Calendar" then click "From Room List..."

365 import calendar

3. Type in the name of the building then the room number (you may need to type atansff for Atanasoff) then double click the desired room calendar to import

365 room search

4. Make sure to check the box next to the imported calendar to make it viewable

365 view room reservations


Office 2019 for Mac

Coming soon (please use OWA in the meantime)

Office Web Access (OWA)

1. Login to Office Web Access (OWA) from https://login.iastate.edu/

OWA login

2. Open the calendar view

OWA Calendar tab

3. Open the side panel (if it's not already visible)

OWA open side bar

4. Click "Add calendar"

OWA import calendar

5. Select "From directory"

OWA import calendar from directory

6. Type the name of the calendar resource (the list of reservable rooms and their names are listed at the bottom of the page)

OWA type calendar name

7. On the left panel, you may now select to view the imported calendar. The calendars events will now be viewable.

OWA calendar view



Reserving a Room on Outlook

In order to reserve a room for a meeting or an event, you must create an event on your own calendar and add the room location.

Office 365 for Windows

1. Create a new meeting on your personal/other calendar.

2. In the "Required" field, type in the calendar name of the room (This is found at the bottom of this page. For example, Pearson 158's calendar name is rsrc-pearson-158)

365 create event

3. You should get an email noting the room reservation request was accepted and your event can now be seen on the corresponding room calendar

365 event created

Office 2019 for Mac

Coming soon (please use OWA in the meantime)

Office Web Access (OWA)

1. Create an event on your calendar

2. In the "invite attendees" field, type in the calendar name of the room (This is found at the bottom of this page. For example, Atanasoff 213's calendar name is rsrc-atansff-213)

OWA Create Event

3. Select the room. After you create the event, you will receive an email confirmation if the room was available.

4. If you have imported the calendar, you can now see the event you made show up on the room's reservation calendar.

OWA view created event


List of Computer Science Room Calendars

Room Capacity Calendar Name Description
Atanasoff 213 30 rsrc-atansff-213 Conference Room with Video Presentation
Atanasoff 235 (Previously 216) 15 rsrc-atansff-235 Conference Room with A/V Presentation and Solstice
Atanasoff 223 60 rsrc-atansff-223 Conference Room with Video Presentation
Atanasoff B05 6 rsrc-atansff-b05 Small Conference Room with Whiteboard
Pearson Labs
Pearson 0105/0109 54 rsrc-pearson-109 Computer Lab with A/V Presentation
Pearson 0108 20 rsrc-pearson-108 Computer Lab with A/V Presentation
Pearson 0113 19 rsrc-pearson-113 Computer Lab specialized for TA & Group Work
Pearson 0141 11 rsrc-pearson-141 Specialized Computer Lab
Pearson 0158 24 rsrc-pearson-158 Computer Lab with A/V Presentation and Solstice
Pearson TA Space
Pearson 0102 6 rsrc-pearson-102 TA Computer Lab
Pearson 0112 10 rsrc-pearson-112 TA Computer Lab
Pearson 0145 24 rsrc-pearson-145 TA Help Room & Collaboration Space