Wei Le Awarded NSF Grant to Develop Dynamic Program Analysis on Code Fragments

Wei Le, faculty with the Department of Computer Science, received an NSF grant, as a sole PI to develop fast and on-demand dynamic analysis on code fragments. The award will span three years, and include a total of $485,993.
Dynamic analysis is important for many software engineering tasks, such as finding bugs, understanding programs and debugging; however, current dynamic analysis tools are slow and hard to use. The proposed research aims to transform traditional dynamic analysis from analyzing large, monolithic software to analyzing relevant code fragments only. The research will develop syntactic patching techniques to enable dynamic analysis on code fragments, and also demand-driven dynamic analysis to search for meaningful code fragments.
For more information, please to go to: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1816352&HistoricalAwards=false