COMS 4190X
Last Updated: Spring 2025
- Credits and contact hours: 3 credits
- Textbook, title, author, and year: Introduction to Medical Software: Foundations for Digital Health, Devices, and Diagnostics, Xenophon Papademtris, Ayesha N. Quraishi, and Gregory P. Licholai, 2022
- Other supplemental materials: Journal and conference papers
Specific Course Information
- Brief description of the content of the course: Introduction to healthcare software used for health diagnosis or treatment. Focus on software as part of a medical device, the emerging use of software as a medical device, and on mobile healthcare applications.
- Prerequisites or co-requisites: COMS 3090
- Required, elective, or selected elective? Selective elective
Specific goals for the course
- Students to be familiar with unique aspects of developing healthcare software.
- Students to be in a position to analyze and evaluate trustworthiness of healthcare software.
Brief list of topics to be covered
- Discovering and verifying usability, reliability, and safety requirements
- Design and verification of trustworthy healthcare software
- Assurance cases for healthcare software in a regulatory environment