Course Catalog URL:
COM S 1010
Last Updated: Fall 2024
Offered during Fall and Spring Semesters each year.
Credits and contact hours: R credits, 1.5 contact hours
Specific course information
- Brief description of the content of the course: Introduction to the computer science discipline and code of ethics, Com S courses, research and networking opportunities, procedures, policies, help and computing resources, extra-curricular activities offered by the Department of Computer Science and Iowa State University. Discussion of issues relevant to student adjustment to college life. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
- Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name: Snow Grey
- Prerequisites or co-requisites: None
- Required, elective, or selected elective? Required
Specific goals for the course
- Specific outcomes of instruction:
- Name and describe important campus resources and where to find them online and/or on campus
- Explore careers in Computer Science and begin your professional portfolio and network
- Connect you with individuals in the Computer Science Department
- Understand Policies/Procedures regarding registration and academics
- Take ownership of the degree program by interpreting your Academic Progress Report (APR) and registration process
- Establish relationships amongst peers in the Computer Science Department
- Recognize opportunities for further learning outside the classroom such as study abroad, research, internships, clubs and organizations, programming competitions, and other cocurricular activities
Brief list of topics to be covered
- Rights and responsibilities of students at Iowa State University
- Courses for the subsequent semester and the prerequisites that are necessary to be followed
- Reading assignments and homework on legal and ethical principles in computing
- Reading assignments and homework on local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society