
PhD Students

Photo of Ibrahim Mesecan
PhD Student
Computer Science
Abdurahman Ali Mohammed
PhD Student
Machine Learning, Computer Vision
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Machine Learning
PhD Student
Computer Science
Placeholder Photo
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Federated Learning, Computer Vision, Multimodal
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Ashutosh Nirala
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Masoud Nosrati
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Sciene
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Artificial Intelligence
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Deep Learning, Machine Leaning, Natural Language Processing
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Varsha Ravichandra
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Machine Learning & Deep Learning, Program Analysis, NLP
Photo of Mojdeh Saadati
PhD Student
Casual Inference, Machine Learning
PhD Student
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Deep Learning for Software Engineering, High Performance Computing
PhD Student
Software Testing, Data Analytics, Databases
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Machine Learning, Deep Learning
PhD Student
Distributed Machine Learning, Security and Privacy of Federated Learning
PhD Student
Machine Learning, Neuromorphic Computic, Green Networking
PhD Student, Graduate Assistant
Software Engineering for AI
Photo of Yonas Sium
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Seok Hwan Song
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Vision, Robotics
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Minghao Sun
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Ling Tang
PhD Student
Computer Science
Photo of Ali Tehrani Jamsaz
PhD Student
High Performance Computing, Compiler Optimization, Machine Learning
PhD Student
Computer Science
PhD Student
Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
PhD Student
Computer Science
