Iowa State Shines at ICPC NCNA Regional Programming Contest
November 15, 2024
The ICPC North Central North America (NCNA) Regional Programming Contest took place on Saturday, November 14. 95 teams from across the region participated.
Professor Vasant Honavar delivered an invited keynote talk on Humanities as Information Sciences at the 2009 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS 2009) held at Chicago during November 14-16, 2009.
Professor Vasant Honavar delivered an invited keynote talk on Comparative Analysis of Biomolecular Networks at the 6th Annual Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium (BIOT 2009) held at Lincoln, Nebraska during October 9-10.
Wallapak Tavanapong, Robyn Lutz, and Katie Githens were finalists in the 2009 Technology Association of Iowa's Women of Innovation Awards. The ceremony took place on November 9.
The EDUCAUSE Leadership Award acknowledges and celebrates leadership from those whose work has had significant positive impact on the contributions of information technology to higher education.
Carl K. Chang (Com Sci), Johnny Wong (Com Sci), Peter Martin (Gerontology),
Mack C. Shelley (Stat), and Simanta Mitra (Com Sci) have received a two-year
The paper "Modular Ontologies - A Formal Investigation of Semantics and Expressivity" by Jie Bao, Doina Caragea, and Vasant Honavar received the best paper award, sponsored by the Knowledge Web project of the European Network o
Carl K. Chang, Professor and Chair of Computer Science, has been
awarded his third IBM Faculty Award in Summer 2009. The IBM Faculty
Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster
Professor Yan-Bin Jia has received from the US National Science Foundation a 3-year, $369,795 grant IIS-0915876 for designing algorithms that would enable the robot hand to grasp deformable objects.
Hridesh Rajan, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, is the recipient of a 2009 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for his proposed research and educational project "On Mutualism of Modularit
The Information Assurance Center (IAC) at Iowa State University has partnered with other universities to form the Center for Information Protection (CIP), with the IAC at the helm.