
May 11, 2015
Criteria for eligibility include demonstrated exceptional performance over a number of years at solving under time constraints problems that are at the difficulty level of programming contests (such as the ACM International Programming Contest). It is not required that the student must have...
April 24, 2015
Wei Le (Co-PI), joint with Suraj Kothari(PI) and Srikanta Tirthapura (Co-PI) from the ECE department, and Jeremías Sauceda from EnSoft (Co-PI), receives a $4.65 million DARPAR award (contract FA8750-15-2-0080) to develop a system to detect resource usage vulnerabilities within software. The award...
January 27, 2015
David Weiss was named a 2015 Fellow by IEEE, the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers for his "contributions to software measurement and product line engineering," according to IEEE.  Robyn Lutz was named a 2014 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Scientist....
November 14, 2014
You can view the details here: 
November 14, 2014
Congratulations to the ISU team of "Trevor Boone, Jacob Smith, and Tyler Uhlenkamp" who have qualified for the ACM-ICPC 2015 World Finals by coming second out of more that 270 teams at the North Central North America regionals contest on Nov 8th! The contest pits teams of three students against...
October 02, 2014
Carl K. Chang, Professor of Computer Science from Iowa State University, was selected by the China Computer Federation (CCF), the largest national professional association (a sister society of IEEE Computer Society) in China, established in 1956, to receive the 2014 Annual Award for Overseas...
September 19, 2014
The paper "Automated Requirements Analysis for a Molecular Watchdog Timer", by Samuel J. Ellis, Eric R. Henderson, Titus H. Klinge, James I. Lathrop, Jack H. Lutz, Robyn R. Lutz, Divita Mathur, and Andrew S. Miner, received the IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award "for Excellence in Software: Theory and...
July 28, 2014
Dr. Yan-Bin Jia has been awarded a $499,889 grant from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, From Impact to Impulsive Manipulation.  Abstract is following:  When people work, they often take advantage of impacts between objects, for example, a worker impacts a nail with a...
July 10, 2014
Dr. Kathryn Stolee has been awarded a $72,950 EAGER grant from the National Science Foundation for her proposal, Demonstrating the Feasibility of Automatic Program Repair Guided by Semantic Code Search. This grant is in collaboration with Dr. Claire Le Goues at Carnegie Melon University and Dr....
July 07, 2014
Dr. Hridesh Rajan has been awarded a $450,098 grant from the National Science Foundation for his proposal to continue research and development of the capsule-oriented programming paradigm, a project that will increase the ability of sequentially trained programmers to write concurrent programs....
May 24, 2014
On May 24, Carl K. Chang received the recognition as the 2014 Outstanding Alumnus at National Central University in Taiwan. Chang graduated from NCU with his BS degree in Mathematics in 1974. In a fully packed auditorium Chang delivered his acceptance speech where he gave special thanks to his...
May 09, 2014
Donald Nye and Michael Ore have been recognized as this year's top problem solvers! Criteria for eligibility includes exceptional performance at solving problems under time constraints and at the difficulty level of programming contests such as the ACM International Programming Contest. Only...
April 22, 2014
A server in the Computer Science department was the subject of a data breach incident. More information can be found at the following link:
April 18, 2014
On April 4th, Carl. K Chang accepted an honorary professorship extended by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), one of the top national public research universities in China. Vice President of HUST, Dr. Mingqing Luo, conferred the certificate in person to Dr. Chang. The ceremony...
February 03, 2014
The 'Smart Home Lab' research group in Computer Science, including Dr.Wong and Dr. Chang, has partnered with faculty from the College of Design and the College of Human Sciences to apply technology solutions to the needs of the residents in a local community. More information can be found in...
November 12, 2013
During the LAS fall homecoming awards ceremony on November 7, Matthew Renze (BS 2011) was awarded the Young Alumni Achievement Award by the CS department. Matthew is a regular visitor to Gloria Cain's careers class each year, has represented the department at high school career fairs, and served as...
November 12, 2013
During the LAS fall homecoming awards ceremony on November 7, George Strawn (PhD 1969) was awarded the Alumni Career Achievements Award by the CS department. George is currently the Director of the National Coordination Office for U.S. Networking and IT Research and Development, and serves as the...
November 12, 2013
Iowa State University is reporting a record enrollment of 33,241 students for fall 2013. Enrollment numbers in computer science are also jumping due to wide recognition of the availability of jobs in computing and top salaries for CS majors in a wide variety of industries. Department Chair Johnny...
November 11, 2013
Tyler Uhlenkamp (Junior, SE), Mingwei Lin (Senior, CS) and Minsuk Kang (Senior, CS) took home the first prize honors at the Regional ACM ICPC competition November 9 at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The team placed first among all teams in the Midwest US division (over 200...
November 08, 2013
Eight teams of ISU computing students are competing this weekend at the ACM ICPC Regionals in Lincoln, Nebraska this weekend. Good luck to all the teams!  Also this weekend, four undergraduate students, Max Peterson (SE, Senior), Michael Davis (SE, Senior), Theisen Sanders (CS,...
November 07, 2013
On October 4, 2013 Carl Chang delivered a plenary talk onGrowing Out of ABC, the heart and soul of software engineering at the 2013 International Conference on Automatics and Informatics - 110 Years of the Birth of Dr. John V. Atanasoff, jointly organized by the Federation of Scientific...
November 04, 2013
Robert Dyer competed in the ACM SIGPLAN Student Research Competition (ACM SRC) at the SPLASH/OOPSLA conference (October 26-31) in Indianapolis. The competition is an internationally-recognized venue that enables undergraduate and graduate students to experience the research world, share their...
September 13, 2013
Hridesh Rajan and Tien Nguyen have received an NSF EAGER grant for the Boa project. NSF EAGER grants are used to support exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transformative research ideas or approaches. Projects funded under EAGER are sometimes considered...
September 10, 2013
The Software Engineering Program at ISU is now officially accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.  ABET accreditation is a voluntary, 18 month process undertaken to ensure continual improvement of the educational experience for students, the adoption of best...
August 08, 2013
Xiaoqiu Huang has developed a number of computer programs for analysis of DNA and protein sequences. In 2003, he finalized the first version of PCAP (Parallel Contig Assembly Program), through funding from the National Human Genome Research Institute. He continues to improve the program as new...


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