ISU Team Heads to ICPC Nationals

Iowa State's team, "its okke," has been promoted from the North Central North American Regionals to participate in the North American Championship. The team, comprised of students Omar Muhammetkulyyev, Rudolph Nahra, and Rodrigo Santamaria, is one of five of the 116 teams in the regional contest to advance to the nationals to be held in Orlando, Florida, from May 25-30th.

Iowa State University hosted a site for the regionals on February 25th, and there were nineteen teams here, some from Drake, Graceland, Simpson, and Iowa State. At the ISU site, the team "codeMonkeys" with Ben Towle, Marshall Moats, and Adrian Broskie finished in second place, and the team, "mastercooks" with Roba Abbajabal, Ben Johnson, and Maxim Popov finished in third place. All Iowa State teams, including the top three finishers, were coached by Michael Gerten. The other students who competed from ISU were Naomi Mauss and Oskar Niessen (team procode); Logan Ellsworth, Tanner Smith, and Paige Rolling (team runtime_terror); Conor O’Shea, Alex Reynolds, and Jesutofunnmi Obimakinde (team chelsea); Jesse Slater, Patrick Demers, and Matthew Sinnwell (team #include<answers>); and Subham Bhattacharya, Kausshik Manojkumar, and Akhilesh Nevatia (team ASK).

Thanks, and Congratulations to all participants!