Masters Final Oral: Prasanna Desai

Friday, April 14, 2017 - 2:00pm
Event Type: 

Title: An XML-Based Web System for Management and Query of Video Databases
with User Annotated Scenes
Date/Time: April 6th, 2017 @ 2:00 PM
Place: 223 Atanasoff  
Major Professor: Shashi Gadia
Committee Members: Ying Cai, Jin Tian


Video is a type of document. However, unlike traditional documents and databases that are searchable, videos are not. Videos typically contain a large amount of information that may or may not be relevant/useful to the user. Thus, it is desired to make videos manageable and queryable. We use metadata and scene annotation information to query the video database to resolve this challenge. We have designed a web-based Video Database Management System which allows the user to query videos. The database is stored as a single XML file on the server. Videos are divided into user defined pre-annotated “scenes” which can be queried using a modified version of XQuery which we created to enable easier searching for videos. As the videos are only logically split as opposed to physically, the users can add/edit/delete scenes without actually making changes to the video. A video player is also made available to enable users to play the results of their queries.

Prasanna Desai Final Oral.pdf
