About ICPC
Contestants in the North Central North America region (NCNA) compete for bragging rights as top collegiate programmers. Teams at the top of the heap will advance to the contest's North American Championship (NAC) where they will compete to go to the World Finals.
The NCNA region includes Minnesota, Wisconsin, Western Ontario, Manitoba, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and the UP of Michigan.
As it is difficult to require all teams to travel to a single contest site, faculty and students at a number of schools across the region volunteer to operate their own contest sites. Iowa State University is proud to be one of the contest sites for the NCNA region.
One or more of the top teams in the region will travel to the NAC. It promises to be a memorable event for the participants.
ISU Site Schedule (Location: PEARSON HALL)
- 9:00 AM Registration / Team Pics - Teams to Report Outside Room 1115 Pearson Hall
- 10:00 - 10:15 AM Remarks by Site Director Gurpur Prabhu
- 10:15 - 11:00 AM Teams to Practice in Rms 105/109 at a designated desk for each team
- 11:00 - 11:45 AM OPEN TIME (store all electronic items in Rm 112 - pick up lunch box outside Rm 1115)
- 11:45 AM Assemble back in Rm 105/109 at designated desk
- 11:50 AM Problem sets will be distributed - WILL NOT BE OPENED UNTIL 12 PM
- 12:00 - 5:15 PM CONTEST (Kattis Scoreboard will be frozen from 4:00 - 5:00 PM)
- 5:15 - 5:30 PM OPEN TIME (Pick up dinner outside Rm 1115 Pearson)
- 5:30 - Resolver to determine Regional winners
- Presentation of Awards by Professor Hridesh Rajan, Chair of the Computer Science Department
Parking: LOTS 2, 6, and 6A (see Campus Map)