Concurrent B.S./M.S. in Computer Science

Graduate Program Policies

In total, concurrent students can double count up to 12 credits for their undergraduate and graduate degree.

  • The Graduate College allows for a maximum of 6 graduate-level credits (500-level or above), taken as an undergraduate, to be counted towards a graduate program. These MUST be taken before concurrent status.
  • The Graduate College allows for an additional 6 credits, taken while in concurrent status (graduate), to be dual-counted towards both degrees.

Application Qualifications

These items must be met BEFORE you can submit your application.

  • Major in Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or other rigorous mathematical/STEM area.
  • 29 credits in undergraduate program completed
  • ISU CGPA 3.2 or higher
  • Quality grades (B+ or higher) in COM S 227, 311, 331, and 363
  • No more than two C grades in Computer Science/Math courses
  • Major Professor (thesis supervisor) - required only for those interested in the Thesis track.

How to Apply

Email with the subject line: "Application for Concurrent BS and MS". The Graduate Student Services Office will notify you of the status of your request within 10 business days.

  1. Curriculum Plan (Create with Janelle Rouse or Nicole Lewis)
  2. PDF of unofficial ISU transcripts
  3. Statement of Purpose (Guidance)
  4. Resume
  5. Request three ISU faculty to send this Letter of Recommendation Form to

Application Deadlines

  • For the concurrent status to begin in a Fall semester, a completed application must be submitted no later than August 1.
  • For the concurrent status to begin in a Spring semester, a completed application must be submitted no later than January 1.

International Student Considerations

Concurrent student status may impact international student visa status and eligibility for non-immigrant benefits such as CPT, OPT, etc. International students considering concurrent status are advised to consult the International and Student Scholars Office ( prior to applying. 

Contact Information