
A Model Checking based Framework for Analyzing Information-Propagation over Networks

In the age of globalization and informatization, the study of information propagation in the network of connected entities plays an important role in understanding and analyzing security and safety concerns. Entities in the network can be people, groups or computing devices, while the network is the relationship describing how one entity can influence or can be influenced by others. In epidemiology, the network of entities may correspond to the population groups and their spatial/proximity relationships.


SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Formal Analysis of Distributed Interactions


A crucial problem in dependability of concurrent and distributed software systems, which have become prevalent with the advances in service-oriented architecture, cloud computing, multi-core hardware, is the coordination of different components that form the whole system. In order to complete a task, components of a software system have to coordinate their executions by interacting with each other.
