Computing for Non-majors

Skills in computing are critical to success in today's job market. The CS Department offers several courses for non-majors who are interested in developing technical skills, or investigating whether a computing degree program is in their line of interest. 

Courses for Non-majors

  • Computer Science 103: Computer Applications
    4 credits: offered in fall, spring, and summer sessions with online sections available
    Introduction to computer literacy and applications, including Windows, internet browser/html, word processing, spreadsheets, database management and presentation software (MS Office); history of computing, structure of computers, telecommunications, computer ethics, computer crime, and history of programming languages. 
  • Computer Science 104: Introduction to Computers
    2 credits: offered twice in fall and twice in spring, 8 week course
    Use of personal computer and workstation operating systems and beginning programming. Project-oreinted approach to computer operation and programming, including use of tools to aid in programming. Topics from computer history, using basic Windows and Unix tools, program structure, expression, variables, decision and logic, and iteration.
  • Computer Science 107: Applied Computer Programming (online course)
    3 credits: offered in fall and spring
    Introduction to computer programming for non-majors using Visual Basic. Basics of good programming and algorithm development. Graphical user interfaces.
  • Computer Science 201: Computer Programming in COBOL (online course)
    3 credits: offered in summer session
    Computer programming in COBOL. Emphasis on the design, writing, debugging and testing of business applications in a transaction-oriented environment.
  • Computer Science 207: Fundamentals of Computer Programming
    3 credits: cross listed with MIS, Prereq: Math 150 or placement into Math 140, 141, 142 or higher
    An introduction to computer programming using an object-oriented programming language. Emphasis on the basics of good programming techniques and style. Extensive practice in designing, implementing and debugging small programs. Use of abstract data types. Interactive and file I/o/ Exceptions/error-handling. This course is not designed for Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Computer Engineering majors. Credit may not be applied toward graduation for both Com Sci 207/MIS 207 and Com Sci 227. 
  • Computer Science 208: Intermediate Computer Programming
    3 credits: offered in spring, Prereq: MIS/COM S 207, credit or enrollment in Math 151, 160 or 165
    Intermediate-level programming techniques. Emphasis of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and documenting medium-sized programs. Data structures and their uses. Dynamic memory usage. Inheritance and polymorphism. Algorithm design and efficiency: recursion, searching and sorting. Event-driven and GUI programming. The software development process. This course is not designed for Computer Science, Software Engineering or Computer Engineering majors. Credit may not be applied towards the major in CS, SE or CpE.